Monday, March 9, 2009

Lets Play #3: March OKCC Play Clinic

The water situation is getting dire. 3 days of rain and the rivers hardly even bump.
But life goes on and we still have some play boating to do!

13 of us converged on the Bruno Mt run on the N.Santiam to cartwheel, surf, spin and bump our way down the run.


Michael, Liane, Michele, Bobby, Tren, Noby, Joey, Kent, Lindsay, Aleece, Willie and I met in Tualatin, picked up Carey at the Swiss Village and proceeded on up to the snow and the river.

There are plenty of little spots to work on surfing, carving, edge control and cartwheel including Bridge Hole, Zoolander, Sweet Spot and the Take Out Wave.

Aleece at the Bridge Hole

Tren and Liane at Zoolander

Michael on Sweet Spot

Nobu on the Take Out Wave

Check out the other photos from the day.

I'll be gone on the Grand for April but check back in May for the next Clinic!

See soon!


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