Tuesday, January 6, 2009

High Water McKenzie: 6.22 ft

Clover on the McKenzie at high water is rumored to be the best set of features in Oregon. At the right levels, I agree. I've been there a few levels, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 5.4 on the McKenzie at Vida.. at all flows its known to give up big moves on at least one of its several waves. So when I called Althea to head out to Clover at 6.3 I was really excited and so was she!


Sadly, 6.3 seems to be kind of soft spot. From what I hear, from those in the know it gets good again at about 6.5 and up or 6.0 and down.

Luckily, we had a secret up our sleeve! With a little help from Ty of WRSI we got our shuttle set to Silver Creek, where the normal Mom's Pies play run take-out it and we found our treat!

High water Neil's Point! I'd heard a rumor of a fantastic wave hole down there at 7ft and thought it would be worth a try!

Turns out its a surging, steep, fast wave-hole with a big eddy and easier on/off than regular Neil's. Only downside: If you are used to the nice surfer's left shoulder of LW Neils, you'll find yourself flushing a lot but if you are comfortable in a grind, you can side surf for days in the pocket between moves!

Check out some photos from that day and go try HW Neil's for yourself!



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