Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September Upper Upper !?!

Just when the NW is at its Dryest...

Chris G started talking about the Upper Upper again. We must have been desperate or something but it was actually really fun! The guage read a little under 400cfs on Saturday and on Sunday seemed a bit lower but all the lines are the same, there aren't too many F-U rocks and even at Behemoth the line is pretty much the same but with some interesting results.
I also had a chance to paddle the Riot Thunder with my new IR Drydeck. The Thunder, is a sporty boat and the Drydeck is super dry and comfy too.

photos by Rick Cooley.

Yep, that me backwards!

Kris dropping in

Chris G and the Super BOOF


Anonymous said...

Upper Upper what?

EJ said...

The Upper Upper Cispus of Course! ;-)
Its just about the latest running Class V creek we have in the Northwest US. I believe its fed by Mt Adams glaciers in Washington near Randle.